Selected chapters of quantum mechanics for modern engineering

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  • 7 séquences
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  • Débute le 3 janvier 2022
  • Clôture le 3 mars 2022

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Détails du cours


Week 1:

History of quantum mechanics. Wave packet. Schrödinger equation. Properties of wave function, normalization. Averages and operators. Superposition of states, measurement, commutators. Schrödinger equation

Week 2:

Infinite well. Delta-barrier, matching wave functions. Dirac’s bra-ket notation. Operators in Dirac’s notation, Hermitian conjugation. Harmonic oscillator via ladder operators.

Week 3:

Qubit and Bloch sphere. Quantum superposition of N qubits. Overview of quantum computing algorithms and their advantage as compared to classical algorithms. Quantum teleportation. Quantum decoherence of many-qubit system and quantum error correction. Physical realization of quantum computers: difficulties and advances.

Week 4:

Superconductivity: Discovery. Main Properties, Meissner's and Josephson's effect. Types of supercoductors, Vortices. Applications of superconductivity. Summary and theoretical explanation.

Week 5:

Modeling a realistic quantum system: resonant microwave cavity coupled to qubits array via the gauge-invariant quantum phases. Mapping on the infinitely coordinated Ising spin-chain of spins-½. Holstein-Primakoff representation. 1st-order quantum phase transition into dipolar ordered state. Metastable states of the spin-chain: bound states of light.

Week 6:

Emergence of instantonic ‘pairing boson’ and high-Tc superconductivity. Negative energy of the ‘antiferromagnetic’ instantons. Zero-mode of instantonic ‘crystal’ along Matsubara time axis as the ’pairing boson’ in the Eliasberg-like equations. Why AF instantons behave as a ‘hidden order’. Spin excitations of the instantonic ‘crystal’ — hourglass modes?.

Week 7: Final Exam


The good knowledge of real and basics of complex analysis, differential equations and general physics.


Sergey Mukhin
Full professor at National University of Science and Technology

Timur Galimzyanov
Received his Ph.D. in theoretical physics in at National University of Science and Technology


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