Revolutionary Ideas: Borders, Elections, Constitutions, Prisons

Revolutionary Ideas: Borders, Elections, Constitutions, Prisons

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Détails du cours


  • Week 1 - Introduction to Part II of the Course
    An introduction to the course and to some of the fundamental problems in legal and political philosophy.
  • Week 2 - Political Community and Borders
    This unit explores the issues of how our political communities are and should be defined. What is the basis of political community? Should we be allowed to change what political community we are a part of? If so, how easily?
  • Week 3 - Representatives, Elections, and Lotteries
    This unit examines how our political community, once defined, should make law and policy. Who should get to have a say?
  • Week 4 - Constitutions
    This unit examines the role and importance of constitutions. Should we have a constitution? Why might we want one? What should be in it?
  • Week 5 - Prisons and Punishment & Conclusions
    This unit considers the role of crime and punishment within a political community. What should be illegal? What should happen if people break the law?




Alexander Guerrero
Assistant Professor
Philosophy and Medical Ethics and Health Policy


L'université de Pennsylvanie (communément appelée Penn) fondée en 1740 est une université privée située à Philadelphie, en Pennsylvanie, aux États-Unis. Membre de l'Ivy League, Penn est la quatrième plus ancienne institution d'enseignement supérieur des États-Unis et se considère comme la première université des États-Unis à proposer des études de premier et de deuxième cycle.


Coursera est une entreprise numérique proposant des formations en ligne ouverte à tous fondée par les professeurs d'informatique Andrew Ng et Daphne Koller de l'université Stanford, située à Mountain View, Californie.

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