Revenue Forecasting and Analysis

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Détails du cours


Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to:

1. Analyze fundamental principles and trends in tax revenue analysis.

2. Explain the key features of an effective institutional framework for revenue forecasting.

3. Identify data requirements and recognize potential data issues.

4. Produce revenue forecasts using different methods.

5. Recognize the strengths and limitations of different forecasting methods.

6. Quantify the revenue impact of tax policy changes, using input-output tables and micro-simulation models.


Some knowledge of taxation and/or economics is helpful. Basic Microsoft Excel skills and access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection are essential.


Sébastien Leduc
International Monetary Fund

Dinar Prihardini
International Monetary Fund

Fabien Gonguet
International Monetary Fund

Aqib Aslam
Deputy Division Chief
International Monetary Fund

Sebastian Beer
International Monetary Fund

Li Liu
Senior Economist
International Monetary Fund


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