Retail Fundamentals

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  • 4 séquences
  • Niveau Intermédiaire

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Détails du cours


Week 1: Demand Forecasting

  • Introduction to Forecasting
  • Forecasting With History
  • Forecasting Without History
  • Measuring Uncertainty
  • Forecasting Aggregation and Lead Time
  • Common Pitfalls in Forecasting

Week 2: Inventory Management

  • Retailers as Inventory Managers
  • Drivers and Cost of Inventory
  • Balancing Ordering and Holding Costs
  • Selling Under Uncertainty: The Newsvendor Model
  • Safety Inventories

Week 3: Assortment Planning

  • Introduction to Assortment Planning
  • Breath and Basket Effect
  • Depth and Category Management
  • Variety Trade Offs
  • Customer's Assortment Perception

Week 4: Pricing Decisions

  • Introduction to Pricing Decisions
  • Setting Retail Prices
  • The Right Price
  • Promotions and Discounts
  • Price Perception


Basic undergraduate mathematics


Santiago Gallino
Assistant Professor of Business Administration, Tuck School of Business
Dartmouth College

Antonio Moreno-Garcia
Associate Professor of Operations
Kellogg School of Management


Dartmouth College


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