Project Launch

Project Launch

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  • 6 séquences
  • Niveau Introductif

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Détails du cours


WEEK 1 : Introduction to Project Management
Learn how to justify and select projects and how stakeholders influence projects. Develop requirements necessary to define project scope and create a list of tasks necessary to accomplish the scope. Create effective communication plans and assign responsibilities. Today’s fast track business and global environment places emphasis on how to increase project production efficiency with limited available resources. Gain an understanding of fundamentals of project planning. Establish project requirements, objectives, and goals before defining the total project scope with the use of a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). This course uses a simulation project— students will start the development of a project plan as demonstration of mastery of key project management practices from this course. The simulation project will continue into the follow-on classes of this program. 

WEEK 2 : Project Selection and Justification
Ever wonder how firms select projects and what is expected from the project? We will review the project selection process, impacts, and implications downstream of project

WEEK 3 : Project Kickoff, PM Plan, and Agile PM
Now that you have an approved project with a project charter, what’s next? In this module, you will learn how to kick-off a project and review methods in which to engage the
project team. We will also review the process of creating a project management plan. And finally, you will learn the fundamentals of the Agile project management approach.

WEEK 4 : The Statement of Work
The Statement of Work (SOW) may be one of the most powerful tools for project managers. The SOW defines the product or service to be delivered to the customer at the completion of the project as well as defines the work necessary to complete the project. In this module, you will learn to use the information from requirements gathering to create a SOW.




Paul Lu, Doctor of Business Administration, PMP
University of California, Irvine -- Division of Continuing Education


L'université de Californie à Irvine (University of California, Irvine ; communément appelée UC Irvine) est un campus de l'université de Californie fondé en 1965, situé à Irvine. 

Au centre du comté d'Orange, UC Irvine dessert les cinq régions les plus peuplées des États-Unis.


Coursera est une entreprise numérique proposant des formations en ligne ouverte à tous fondée par les professeurs d'informatique Andrew Ng et Daphne Koller de l'université Stanford, située à Mountain View, Californie.

Ce qui la différencie le plus des autres plateformes MOOC, c'est qu'elle travaille qu'avec les meilleures universités et organisations mondiales et diffuse leurs contenus sur le web.

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