Philosophy, Science and Religion: Science and Philosophy

Philosophy, Science and Religion: Science and Philosophy

12 h
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  • 5 sĂ©quences
  • Niveau Introductif

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DĂ©tails du cours


  • Week 1 - Philosophy, Science and Religion: Introduction and Overview
    In this module, course instructors Dr Orestis Palermos and Dr Adam Carter provide a short introduction and overview of the key themes that will be discussed in the ‘Science and Philosophy’ course. Some background to the research question concerning the status ...
  • Week 2 - Do Scientific Claims Constitute Absolute Truths?
    Guest lecturer: Professor Martin Kusch. This module will focus on a central challenge for scientific knowledge: Are there any scientific claims that are absolutely true, or are they all true relative to the system of thought that generated them? If we accept t...
  • Week 3 - Are Science and Religion in Conflict?
    Guest lecturer: Dr Michael Murray. Are science and religion compatible with one another? Are they incompatible? What do these questions even mean, and how do we go about answering them? Philosophical tools are helpful to make progress with these very important...
  • Week 4 - Creationism and Evolutionary Biology—Science or Pseudo-Science?
    Guest lecturer: Professor Conor Cunningham. This module examines the scientific status of evolutionary biology. What may count as a scientific theory? Is evolutionary biology scientific? Is it likely to change in the future? Approaching these questions from a ...




Dr J Adam Carter
Epistemology - Philosphy

Dr Orestis Palermos
Research Explorer
School of Philosophy

Dr Mark Harris
Senior Lecturer in Science and Religion
School of Divinity

Professor Duncan Pritchard
Professor of Philosophy
University of Edinburgh


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