Our Energy Future

Our Energy Future

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  • 9 séquences
  • Niveau Introductif
  • Sous-titres en Spanish

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Détails du cours


  • Week 1 - General Course Materials
    Course overview materials, including syllabus, lecturer information, grading criteria, and external notices and resources.
  • Week 1 - Introduction to Energy
    Introduces the basics of energy, covers finite energy sources like petroleum, looks at how energy and food are related, and examines the scale of current and future energy consumption and what renewable energy options can meet that demand.
  • Week 2 - Physical Energy Sources
    Looks at some of the alternative energy options from the physical sciences domain, including wind energy, photovoltaic and photothermal energy, and nuclear energy. It also covers energy storage and electric vehicles, and energy efficiency and smart grid techno...
  • Week 3 - Introduction to Biological Energy Sources
    Provides an overview of the different biological energy sources including plants and algae. It explains what biofuels are, how they are produced, and the pros and cons of different biological sources.
  • Week 4 - Plant Biofuel
    Discusses various plant-based fuels including corn ethanol, cellulosic ethanol, and jatropha biodiesel. It will cover the different technologies used, the pros and cons of each source, and current production around the world.
  • Week 5 - Algae Biofuel
    Examines different algae used for biofuel production including cyanobacteria, diatoms, and green algae. It looks at how these organisms are different and why they are used to produce biofuels and bio-products. Additionally, the module covers the different too...
  • Week 6 - Biofuel Production and Downstream Processing
    Covers the chemistry of biodiesel, looks at the different thermochemical processes used to convert biomass to fuel, and examines renewable biogas. It also looks at the production process of algae biofuel, how and why nutrient utilization and recycling is impor...
  • Week 7 - Social Issues, Economics, and Politics
    Examines how energy production and use affects the economy, our wellbeing, and our heath. It will also look at how energy impacts the poorest communities, the external costs of traditional energy, and how we can regulate energy and incentivize renewable energy...
  • Week 8 - Climate Change
    Looks at the history of research on how carbon dioxide causes climate change, the key points of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s reporting, and how climate change is portrayed in the media. Also, it discusses the importance of decreasing Short-l...
  • Week 9 - Office Hours
    Recordings of live office hours from Dr. Mayfield and other course lecturers.




Dr. Stephen Mayfield
Professor of Molecular Biology
University of California San Diego


L' Université de Californie à San Diego est une université publique de recherche sur les concessions de terres à San Diego, en Californie. Établi en 1960 près de la Scripps Institution of Oceanography préexistante, l'UC San Diego est le plus méridional des dix campus de l' Université de Californie et offre plus de 200 programmes menant à un diplôme de premier cycle et des cycles supérieurs, recrutant 33 096 étudiants de premier cycle et 9 872 étudiants des cycles supérieurs. 

L'UC San Diego est considérée comme l'une des meilleures universités au monde. Plusieurs publications ont classé les départements de sciences biologiques et d'informatique de l'UC San Diego parmi les 10 meilleurs au monde.


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