Organize your data in a spreadsheet

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  • 4 séquences
  • Niveau Introductif

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Détails du cours


Partie 1 - Edit a spreadsheet
1. Get the most out of this course
2. Find your way around a spreadsheet
3. Enter, copy, and reference data in your spreadsheet
4. Speed up data entry with autocompletion tools
Quiz : Editing a spreadsheet

Partie 2 - Format data in a spreadsheet
1. Increase readability by formatting the contents of cells
2. Create professional looking spreadsheet layouts with additional formatting
3. Highlight information automatically with conditional formatting
4. Get some practice using conditional formatting on a spreadsheet
Quiz : Formatting a spreadsheet

Partie 3 - Analyze data in a spreadsheet
1. Filter and sort data to find information quickly
2. Make calculations in your spreadsheet with functions and formulas
3. Check if your data matches certain conditions with the IF function
4. Match up data from separate datasets with the VLOOKUP function
5. Set up data validation to avoid errors in data entry
Quiz : Analyzing data

Partie 4 - Visualize data in a spreadsheet
1. Summarize data quickly with pivot tables
2. Display information visually with charts
Quiz : Visualizing data

Certificat de réussite




Emily Kund
Data instructor


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