Operational Finance: Finance for Managers

Operational Finance: Finance for Managers

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12 h
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  • 4 séquences
  • Niveau Introductif
  • Sous-titres en Arabic

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Détails du cours


  • Week 1 - Course Overview & Week 1
    Welcome to Operational Finance: Finance for Managers. In this course you will learn the basics of operational finance to help you make sound financial decision or to run a robust business! Before you get started with this week's video content, please have a lo...
  • Week 2 - Week 2: Operational Ratios and Forecasting
    In week 1, we looked at Polypanel’s Balance Sheet and P&L Statement. In the Balance Sheet, we noted that receivables increased from €188,000 in 2004 to €649,000 in 2007. We left off with the question: Is this difference due to an increase in sales or delays in...
  • Week 3 - Week 3: Diagnosis and Action Plan
    By now you have a pretty good grasp of the Polypanel case and the main issues that could impact future financing. This week, it’s time to roll up our sleeves and work out a diagnosis for these issues. We’ll discuss Need of Funds for Operations (NFO) and Workin...
  • Week 4 - Week 4: Negative NFO and DuPont Analysis
    In this final week, we will introduce the final pieces of the puzzle to give you a complete overview of operational finance. We’ll discuss tools like sensitivity analysis that will help you consider the potential outcome of a decision given different variables...




Miguel Antón
Associate Professor
Financial Management


For over fifty years, IESE, the graduate business school of the University of Navarra, has been at the forefront of management education, developing and inspiring business leaders who strive to make a deep, positive and lasting impact on the people, companies and society they serve.


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