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Networking for Web Developers
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- 2 séquences
- Niveau Introductif
Détails du cours
Lesson 1: From Ping to HTTP
In this lesson you'll begin using command-line tools to explore the network: `ping` to check hosts, and `nc` (netcat) to manually communicate with web servers and to emulate a web server. You'll also learn about port numbers and the layering of HTTP on top of TCP.Lesson 2: Names and Addresses
In this lesson you'll learn about the Domain Name System (DNS). Optionally, you'll register your own domain name for your web server. You'll also learn more about the binary representation of IP addresses.Lesson 3: Addressing and Networks
In this lesson you'll learn more details about Internet addressing: network blocks, interfaces, network address translation (NAT), and IPv6.Lesson 4: Protocol Layers
In this lesson you'll use `tcpdump` to examine the packets that make up the requests and responses for three protocols: ping, DNS, and HTTP. You'll learn more about how TCP sessions work.Lesson 5: Big Networks
In this lesson you'll learn more about bandwidth, latency, filtering, and other properties that matter when users are accessing your application over the Internet.Prérequis
Udacity est une entreprise fondé par Sebastian Thrun, David Stavens, et Mike Sokolsky offrant cours en ligne ouvert et massif.
Selon Thrun, l'origine du nom Udacity vient de la volonté de l'entreprise d'être "audacieux pour vous, l'étudiant ". Bien que Udacity se concentrait à l'origine sur une offre de cours universitaires, la plateforme se concentre désormais plus sur de formations destinés aux professionnels.

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