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Nanotechnology and Nanosensors
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- 10 séquences
- Niveau Introductif
Détails du cours
Week 1: Introduction to Nanotechnology:Definition of nanotechnology; main features of nanomaterials; types ofnanostructures (0D, 1D, and 2D structures); nanocomposites; and mainchemical/physical/electrical/optical properties of nanomaterials.
Week 2: Introduction to Nanotechnology - continue:Methods for characterizing the nanomaterials: Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM),Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), andspectroscopy- and spectrometry-based surface analysis techniques. Fabricationof sensors by bottom-up and top-down approaches; self-assembly ofnanostructures; and examples for nanotechnology application
Week 3: Introduction to Sensors' Science and Technology:Definition of sensors; main elements of sensors; similarities between livingorganisms and artificial sensors; working mechanism of physical sensation(seeing, hearing, and feeling) and chemical sensation (smelling and tasting); theparameters used for characterizing the performance of sensors: accuracy,precision, sensitivity, detection limit, dynamic range, selectivity, linearity,resolution, response time, hysteresis, and life cycle.
Week 4: Metal nanoparticle-based Sensors:Definition of nanoparticle; features of nanoparticles; and production ofnanoparticles by physical approach (laser ablation) and chemical approaches(Brust method, seed-mediated growth, etc.).
Week 5: Quantum Dot Sensors: Definition ofquantum dot; fabrication techniques of quantum dots; Macroscopic andmicroscopic photoluminescence measurements; applications of quantum dots asmultimodal contrast agents in bioimaging; and application of quantum dots asbiosensors.
Week 6: Nanowire-based Sensors: Definition of nanowires; featuresof nanowires; fabrication of individual nanowire by top-down approaches andbottom-up approaches; and fabrication of nanowire arrays (fluidic channel,blown bubble film, contact printing, spray coating, etc.).
Week 7: Carbon Nanotubes-based Sensors: Definition of carbonnanotube; features of carbon nanotubes; synthesis of carbon nanotubes;fabrication and working principles of sensors based on individual carbonnanotube; fabrication and working principles of sensors based on random arrayof carbon nanotubes.
Week 8: Sensors Based on Nanostructures of Metal Oxide: Synthesisof metal oxide structures by dry and wet methods; types of metal oxide gassensors (0D, 1D, and 2D); defect chemistry of the metal oxide sensors; sensingmechanism of metal-oxide gas sensors; and porous metal-oxide structures forimproved sensing applications.
Week 9: Mass-Sensitive Nanosensors: Workingprinciple of sensors based on polymeric nanostructures; sensing mechanism andapplications of nanomaterial-based of chemiresistors and field effecttransistors of (semi-)conductive polymers, w/o inorganic materials.
Week 10: Arrays of Nanomaterial-based Sensors: Arepresentative example for the imitation of human senses by means of nanotechnologyand nanosensors: electronic skin based on nanotechnology.
- Hossam Haick - The Department of Chemical Engineering and Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute
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