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Moralities of Everyday Life

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- Accès libre
- Certificat payant
- 6 séquences
- Niveau Introductif
- Sous-titres en Romanian, Chinese
Détails du cours
- Week 1 - Welcome to Moralities of Everyday Life!
- Week 1 - The Big Questions
What is morality, anyway? What are the big debates in the field of moral psychology? - Week 2 - Compassion
Where does concern for others come from? How is it related to empathy—and is more empathy necessarily a good thing? And what can we learn from the study of those who seemingly lack normal moral feelings, such as violent psychopaths? - Week 3 - Origins of Morality
Here, we ask about which aspects of morality are universal. We discuss evolution, cross-cultural research, and the fascinating new science of the moral life of babies. - Week 4 - Differences
How does culture influence our moral thought and moral action? What role does religion play? Why are some of us conservative and others liberal, and how do political differences influence our sense of right and wrong? - Week 5 - Family, Friends, and Strangers
Our moral feelings are usually most powerful towards our kin (such as our parents and our children) and our friends and allies. We will discuss these special bonds, and then turn to the morality of racial and ethnic bias. Then we use the tools of behavioral ec... - Week 6 - The Big Answers
We’ll discuss some clever studies that show how our moral behavior is powerfully influenced—often at the unconscious level—by the situations that we find ourselves in. Such findings raise some hard problems about determinism, free will, and moral responsibilit...
Paul Bloom
Brooks and Suzanne Ragen Professor of Psychology and Cognitive Science at Yale University
For more than 300 years, Yale University has inspired the minds that inspire the world. Based in New Haven, Connecticut, Yale brings people and ideas together for positive impact around the globe. A research university that focuses on students and encourages learning as an essential way of life, Yale is a place for connection, creativity, and innovation among cultures and across disciplines.

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