Mindware: Critical Thinking for the Information Age

Mindware: Critical Thinking for the Information Age

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  • 4 séquences
  • Niveau Introductif
  • Sous-titres en German, English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Russian

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Détails du cours


  • Week 1 - Introduction
    Individuals and cultures can make themselves smarter. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, people have become enormously smarter. The Information Age requires a brand-new set of skills involving statistics, probability, cost-benefit analysis, prin...
  • Week 1 - Lesson 1: Statistics
    Basic concepts of statistics and probability including the concepts of variable, normal distribution, standard deviation, correlation, reliability, validity, and effect size. Concrete examples are drawn from everyday life and show how the concepts can be used ...
  • Week 1 - Lesson 2: The Law of Large Numbers
    How to think about events in such a way that they can be counted and a decision can be made about how much data is enough. You will learn about the concept of error variance and how it can be combatted by obtaining multiple observations. Your will learn that y...
  • Week 2 - Lesson 3: Correlation
    It can be extremely difficult to make an accurate assessment of how two variables are related to one another; prior beliefs can be more important than data in estimating the strength of a given relationship. You will learn simple tools to estimate degree of as...
  • Week 2 - Lesson 4: Experiments
    You will learn that correlations can only rarely provide conclusive evidence about whether one variable exerts a causal influence on another and why experiments provide far better evidence about causality than correlations. You will be shown how to conduct exp...
  • Week 3 - Lesson 5: Prediction
    You will learn about the kinds of systematic errors we make when trying to predict the future. You will learn about regression to the mean and why you should assume that extreme values on a variable will be less extreme when next observed. You will learn how t...
  • Week 3 - Lesson 6: Cognitive Biases
    We understand the world not through direct perception but through inferential procedures that we are unaware of. Our understanding of the world is heavily influenced by schemas or abstract representations of events. We are prone to serious judgment errors that...
  • Week 4 - Lesson 7: Choosing and Deciding
    How to conduct a cost-benefit analysis. Why you should throw the analysis away after doing it if the decision is personal and very important. How to avoid throwing good money after bad. How to avoid doing something that will prevent you from doing something mo...
  • Week 4 - Lesson 8: Logic and Dialectical Reasoning
    The distinction between inductive logic and deductive logic. Syllogisms. Conditional reasoning. The distinction between truth of an argument and validity of an argument. The concepts of necessity and sufficiency. Venn diagrams. Common logical errors. When to a...
  • Week 4 - Conclusion




Richard E. Nisbett
Theodore M. Newcomb Distinguished University Professor
Department of Psychology


L'Université du Michigan (UM, UMich ou simplement Michigan) est une université publique de recherche située à Ann Arbor, dans le Michigan, aux États-Unis. Fondée en 1817, l'université est la plus ancienne et la plus grande du Michigan.

La mission de l'université du Michigan est de servir les habitants du Michigan et le monde entier en occupant une place prépondérante dans la création, la communication, la préservation et l'application des connaissances, de l'art et des valeurs académiques, et en formant des dirigeants et des citoyens qui défieront le présent et enrichiront l'avenir.


Coursera est une entreprise numérique proposant des formations en ligne ouverte à tous fondée par les professeurs d'informatique Andrew Ng et Daphne Koller de l'université Stanford, située à Mountain View, Californie.

Ce qui la différencie le plus des autres plateformes MOOC, c'est qu'elle travaille qu'avec les meilleures universités et organisations mondiales et diffuse leurs contenus sur le web.

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