Microeconomics: The Power of Markets

Microeconomics: The Power of Markets

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  • 5 séquences
  • Niveau Introductif
  • Sous-titres en Mongolian

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Détails du cours


  • Week 1 - The Concept of Scarcity
    Where do markets come from? We will start with understanding the constraint of scarcity that we face and the concept of opportunity cost that reflects the true cost of any decision we make. We will learn to model scarcity using the Production Possibilities Fro...
  • Week 2 - Specialization & Trade
    Trade allows us to achieve the unattainable- we can consume more than we can produce on our own. We will introduce the concept of Comparative Advantage and discuss how gains from specialization allow us to use our resources efficiently. We will apply these con...
  • Week 3 - Supply and Demand
    We will introduce the central model of Supply & Demand. This will allow you to communicate with other economists and finally understand those business pages and market updates. We will distinguish between a movement along and a movement of the supply & demand ...
  • Week 4 - Understanding Markets: Elasticities, Market Surplus, Efficiency, and Equity
    There is a lot of terminology this week. We will introduce of the concept of elasticity of demand that measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded to a change in the price of a good. We will explore the relationship between change in price and revenue or ...
  • Week 5 - When Government Intervenes
    In week four we learnt that the markets maximize the surplus that can be generated. So what happens if the government steps in and intervenes in the market? This week we will analyze price floors and ceilings, taxes and subsidies and learn how the best intenti...




Rebecca Stein
Senior Lecturer


L'université de Pennsylvanie (communément appelée Penn) fondée en 1740 est une université privée située à Philadelphie, en Pennsylvanie, aux États-Unis. Membre de l'Ivy League, Penn est la quatrième plus ancienne institution d'enseignement supérieur des États-Unis et se considère comme la première université des États-Unis à proposer des études de premier et de deuxième cycle.


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