Introduction to Programming with MATLAB

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Plus d'informations
  • 9 séquences
  • Niveau Introductif
  • Sous-titres en Greek

Détails du cours


  • Week 1 - Course Pages
  • Week 2 - The MATLAB Environment
    We will learn how to start MATLAB and will familiarize ourselves with its user interface. We will learn how to use MATLAB as a sophisticated calculator. We will learn about syntax and semantics. We will see ways in which MATLAB provides help. Finally, we will ...
  • Week 3 - Matrices and Operators
    The basic unit with which we work in MATLAB is the matrix. We solve problems by manipulating matrices, and operators are the primary means by which we manipulate them. We will learn how to define matrices, extract parts of them and combine them to form new mat...
  • Week 4 - Functions
    Functions let us break up complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts. We will learn how functions let us create reusable software components that can be applied in many different programs. We will learn how the environment inside a function is separa...
  • Week 5 - Programmer's Toolbox
    MATLAB has useful built-in functions and we will explore many of them in this section. We will learn about polymorphism and how MATLAB exploits it to change a function's behavior on the basis of the number and type of its inputs. Because random numbers play an...
  • Week 6 - Selection
    Selection is the means by which MATLAB makes decisions about the order in which it executes its statements. We will learn how to use the if-statement, which is the most important method of selection. We will learn how to use relational operators and logical op...
  • Week 7 - Loops
    Loops give computers their power. We will learn how to use both of MATLAB's loop constructs: the for-loop and the while-loop. We will learn how the break-statement works, and we will use nested loops. We will learn how to make loops more efficient. We will lea...
  • Week 8 - Data Types
    Computers operate on bits, but humans think in terms of numbers, words, and other types of data. Like any good language, MATLAB organizes bits into convenient data types. We will study those types in this section. We will learn that there are ten types of numb...
  • Week 9 - File Input/Output
    Files are named areas in permanent memory for storing data that can be used as input or output to MATLAB and to other programs. We will be introduced to MATLAB’s most important methods for reading and writing files. We will learn how to create, read from, and ...




Akos Ledeczi
Professor of Computer Engineering / Senior Research Scientist
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science / Institute for Software Integrated Systems

Mike Fitzpatrick
Professor Emeritus of Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Neurosurgery, and Radiology
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Neurological Surgery, Radiology & Radiological Sciences


Vanderbilt University, located in Nashville, Tenn., is a private research university and medical center offering a full-range of undergraduate, graduate and professional degrees.


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