Make Your Own App

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  • 7 séquences
  • Niveau Introductif

Détails du cours



  • HTML

o Notation, concept, structure

o Best practices, coding conventions

o Input, media, content elements

o Classes, IDs, addressing elements

  • CSS

o Notation, concept, structure

o Best practices, coding conventions

o Inline styles

o Separate style sheets

o Key-value pairs

o Colors, backgrounds, fonts, shadows, borders…

o Box model, different box-styles and their properties

o Positioning, aligning

o Pseudo-Elements

  • JavaScript

o Notation, concept, structure

o Best practices, coding conventions

o Manipulate HTML

o Functions, variables, operators

o Constructors

o Data-Structures

o Conditional expressions, loops

o This, callbacks, event methods

Week 1
We provide an instruction to the notation and concept of the H yper- T ext- M arkup- L anguage (HTML) and teach you the basics of CSS allowing you to adapt the style and appearance of your HTML code.

Week 2
We educate you on structuring HTML code , including media elements , referencing external resources and teach you how to separate CSS styles from HTML code , continue styling your code and learn more about the box model , since your code has become more mature.

Week 3
We deepen your understanding of HTML and CSS by applying advanced properties, like flexbox and pseudo elements.

Week 4
We will teach you how to make web apps interactive and lay the foundation for the following sections by introducing JavaScript.

Week 5
We will dive deeper into JavaScript and its mechanisms and get to understand and apply basic programming concepts like loops and conditions.

Week 6
We will improve the apps performance by applying advanced JavaScript concepts and give you an idea aboutwhich technologies would be a good complement to those learned in this course.

Each week includes several problems that you should solve, including quizzes as well as a peer review challenge you should solve and will then grade four of your fellow learners.
Additionally, you will have to write source code in the three languages covered in an interactive code editor that provides you with instant feedback and enables you to earn several badges and achievements.




Klaus Bengler
Professor of Ergonomics
Technische Universität München

Lorenz Prasch
Research Associate
Technische Universität München

Antonia Conti-Kufner
Scientific Researcher
Technische Universität München

Markus Zimmermann
Head of Interaction Design
Technische Universität München

Peter Eliseenkov
Teaching Assistant
Technische Universität München

Nicolas Härtwig
Teaching Assistant
Technische Universität München

Gideon Kloss
Teaching Assistant
Technische Universität München

Niklas Lütteken
Web Developer
Technische Universität München

Moritz Rettinger
Teaching Assistant
Technische Universität München

Christina Rosenmöller
Teaching Assistant
Technische Universität München

Dipl. Psych. David Schopf
Teaching Assistant
Technische Universität München

Kristina Strobl
Video Editor
Technische Universität München

Tim Westhoff
Teaching Assistant
Technische Universität München

Sebastian Schmeiser
Teaching Assistant
Technische Universität München

Jonas Bender
Technische Universität München


Technische Universität München


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