Leadership Theory: The Basics

Leadership Theory: The Basics

6 h
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  • Sur www.futurelearn.com
Plus d'informations
  • 2 séquences
  • Niveau Introductif
  • Débute le 16 mai 2021
  • Clôture le 30 mai 2021

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Détails du cours


Fundamentals of leadership: what is the evolutionary process of leadership theories?

What are the major conclusions of the trait theories?

The skills approach to leadership

What are the major conclusions of the behavioural theories?

Identifying the major components of the contingency theories

Transactional and transformational leadership


This course is for experienced professionals looking to understand how a modern business succeeds through leadership, culture, decision making and change management.


Alim Abubakre
Dr Alim Abubakre is on the advisory board of London Business School Africa Club.He did his doctoral studies on CSR & Strategy at Southampton University.

Mohammed Abdullahi
I am an Employability Lecturer. My research is located broadly within labour market transitions, unemployment, change management, leadership and the role of technology and big data in organisations.

Andy Coleman
I am an Assistant Professor in Leadership, and Associate Director of the MA in Leadership and Management.


L'université de Coventry est une université britannique dite post-1992 située à Coventry en Angleterre, Royaume-Uni. L'université, qui accueille environ 17 000 étudiants se démarque particulièrement dans le domaine de l'ingéniérie et du design automobile.


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Elle est la 1ère plateforme offrant des MOOC au Royaume-Uni, avec à son actif plus d'une cinquantaine d'universités partenaires provenant du Royaume Uni mais aussi du reste du monde.

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