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The Fall and Rise of Jerusalem

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- 6 séquences
- Niveau Introductif
- Sous-titres en Spanish, Arabic, Hebrew
Détails du cours
- Week 1 - Introduction to geopolitics and geography of the Ancient Near East
Welcome to the first module of "The Fall and Rise of Jerusalem"! In this module you will be introduced to the geopolitical reality of the time of the Assyrian empire, followed by the Neo-Babylonian. We hope you'll find the videos informative and interesting. W... - Week 2 - Judah Under Babylonian Rule
The second module deals with Judah under Babylonian rule. We will learn about the Babylonian Conquest of Hattu-land and Judah, the events that lead to Jehoiakim's revolt and its outcome, and the changes in the Babylonian policy towards Judah following this rev... - Week 3 - The Days of the Destruction of Jerusalem
This module deals with Zedekiah's rebellion and the destruction of Judah.You are invited to watch the following units and learn about the Egyptian intervention, the reasons for Zedekiah's revolt, and the history of the destruction of Judah. - Week 4 - Gedaliah son of Ahikam
In this module we will learn about the transition of the capital city from Jerusalem to Mizpah and the governorship of Gedaliah son of Ahikam in Mizpah following the destruction. We encourage you to use the discussions to ask about anything that isn't clear or... - Week 5 - Archaeology of the sixth century BCE
After learning of the days of the destruction and the historical role of Gedaliah son of Ahikam, you are invited to watch the lessons of the fifth module, which deals with the archaeology of the Babylonian Period. We will explore the magnificent finds from Ram... - Week 6 - The restoration of Jerusalem in the early Persian Period
The last module of our course will deal with different aspects of the Persian period: the cult of Jerusalem, changes in Jerusalem's status, the Judahite diaspora, the fall of Babylon and much more. We hope you will enjoy this final module which closes the stor...
Professor Oded Lipschits, Ph.D.
Director, Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology
Jacob M. Alkow Department of Archaeology and Near Eastern Cultures
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