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Introduction to Psychology
60 h
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- 12 séquences
- Niveau Introductif
Détails du cours
- Week 1 - Welcome and Orientation to the Course
This section is about your orientation to the Coursera interface and the logistics of the course. - Week 2 - History & the Scientific Method
This section is about exploring the introduction to the Science of Psychology. At the end of this first section you'll be able to identify and discuss some of the major movements in the Science of Psychology. - Week 3 - The Matter of the Mind
There was a time when one could study Psychology without linking phenomena back to the brain itself, but those days are slowly disappearing. Now every Psychology student, yourself included, is expected to have at least a general knowledge of brain organization... - Week 4 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness
This section is all about the systems our brain uses to get input from the world ... you will be able to recognize what those things around us are and where they are ... and be able to interpret who we are and how we fit. - Week 5 - Learning
This section is all about learning and behaviourism. When you're done the videos you'll be able to name and describe the topic of learning and behaviour in contexts such as flirting and gambling! - Week 6 - Memory
This topic is Memory, and it's a big topic, and one I know a fair amount about. It was hard to figure out what to present and what to leave out. I tried to include some of the most interesting stuff. I hope you agree. After this section you'll be able to defin... - Week 7 - The Social Mind
This topic is Social Psychology and it features some of the most controversial experiments in psychology. Some of these will having you thinking very deeply for a long time after you see them. You'll have time to analyze and interpret our experience with confo... - Week 8 - Mental Illness
This topic is Clinical Psychology and you'll learn both about various clinical disorders, and about the therapies commonly used to treat them.You'll be able to extend this knowledge to different disorders. Be careful to not start diagnosing all your friends or... - Week 9 - Final Assignment
Final Peer Assessment Assignment - Week 10 - Links to Outside Resources
This reading item has links to resources referenced in the course - Week 11 - Optional Videos - Previous Course by Request
This module is all about you and is about extending our foundational knowledge in the field of psychology so you can discover and describe to others more of what's interesting to you. These curated videos are based on past course requests. We will add new ones... - Week 12 - Super Optional Videos
These are extras and side videos that you are not tested on. Feel free to watch if you're interested.
Steve Joordens
Department of Psychology
Established in 1827, the University of Toronto has one of the strongest research and teaching faculties in North America, presenting top students at all levels with an intellectual environment unmatched in depth and breadth on any other Canadian campus.

Coursera est une entreprise numérique proposant des formations en ligne ouverte à tous fondée par les professeurs d'informatique Andrew Ng et Daphne Koller de l'université Stanford, située à Mountain View, Californie.
Ce qui la différencie le plus des autres plateformes MOOC, c'est qu'elle travaille qu'avec les meilleures universités et organisations mondiales et diffuse leurs contenus sur le web.

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