Introduction to User Experience

Introduction to User Experience

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  • 4 séquences
  • Niveau Intermédiaire

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Détails du cours


MODULE 1 - What's UX and why do we need it?

  • Explain what is UX

  • Identify UX-related issues and the UX expertise needed to respond

  • Explain the impact in terms of ROI of UX in a business context

  • Recognize the business KPIs typically associated with UX

  • Distinguish different contexts in which UX methods and practices can be applied (customer experience - CX, employee experience - EX, citizen experience - CzX)

  • Explain the importance of considering these experiences (CX, EX, CzX) in the current economy

MODULE 2 - When do we need UX, who does UX and how do we do UX

  • Distinguish the UX lifecycle from the UX project

  • Describe the role of stakeholders in the UX project

  • Describe the typical paths, profiles and training of UX professionals

  • Explain the link between UX and the scientific approach

MODULE 3 - Show me some examples

  • Discuss the UX practice in terms of commonly used tools, challenges and wins

MODULE 4 - I want to try

  • Experiment the phases of a UX project (research, Ideation, prototyping and testing) and how they relate to each other




Pierre-Majorique Léger
Co-director of the Tech3Lab and director of the ERPsim lab
HEC Montréal


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