Introduction to Physical Chemistry

Introduction to Physical Chemistry

150 h
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  • 10 séquences
  • Niveau Introductif

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Détails du cours


  • Week 1 - Thermodynamics I
    This module explores thermodynamic definitions, the zeroth law of thermodynamics and temperature, the first law of thermodynamics and enthalpy, reversible expansion, and heat capacity.
  • Week 2 - Thermodynamics II
    This module explores the second law of thermodynamics and entropy, the second law of thermodynamics and spontaneity, the second law of thermodynamics and equilibrium, the third law of thermodynamics and absolute entropy, and Hess' Law.
  • Week 3 - Virtual Lab 1: Thermodynamics
    This lab allows you to further explore thermodynamics.
  • Week 4 - Chemical Kinetics I
    This module explores the rate of reaction, stoichiometry and order, zero order reactions, first order reactions, second order reactions, determination of reaction order, and effect of temperature on reaction rate.
  • Week 5 - Chemical Kinetics II
    This module explores complex reactions, steady-state approximation, and catalysis.
  • Week 6 - Virtual Lab 2: Kinetics
    This lab allows you to further explore kinetics.
  • Week 7 - Quantum Chemistry I
    This module explores Planck's quantum of energy, particle nature of light, wave nature of matter, Heissenberg's uncertainty principle, the Schrödinger equation, free particle & the particle in a box, Born's interpretation of the wavefunction, and normalisation...
  • Week 8 - Virtual Lab 3: Particle in a Box
    This experiment involves the visible absorption spectra of dyes.
  • Week 9 - Quantum Chemistry II
    This module explores hydrogen atoms, hydrogen atom quantum numbers, radial and angular solutions for hydrogenic atoms, and energy levels for hydrogenic atoms.
  • Week 10 - Virtual Lab 4: Hydrogen Emission Spectroscopy
    This lab allows you to further explore quantum chemistry.




Patrick J O'Malley, D.Sc

Michael W. Anderson, FRSC
Professor of Materials Chemistry
School of Chemistry

Jonathan Agger, MRSC
Lecturer and Deputy Director of Outreach


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