Introduction to International Criminal Law

Introduction to International Criminal Law

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56 h
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Plus d'informations
  • 8 séquences
  • Niveau Introductif
  • Sous-titres en Spanish

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Détails du cours


  • Week 1 - Introduction
    This introduction will give the learner a brief outline as to how the course is structured, how it will be graded and the ideal pace at which the course should be completed. This module includes a primer on international law that will introduce students with l...
  • Week 2 - Peace Versus Justice
    This lesson includes a video lecture and readings that elaborate on the tensions between peace and justice in international law and diplomacy. This lesson specifically explores the limits placed on the international duty to prosecute certain crimes and surveys...
  • Week 3 - Terrorism and Piracy
    This lesson includes a video lecture and readings that discuss the international definition of terrorism and why reaching such a definition has become a divisive issue in international law. This lesson further discusses the intricacies of the modern internatio...
  • Week 4 - Unique Modes of Liability
    This lesson contains a video lecture and readings that explore the unique attributes of different forms of criminal responsibility in international law including command responsibility, joint criminal liability, control of the crime doctrine and incitement. Th...
  • Week 5 - Specialized Defenses
    This lesson includes a video lecture and readings that discuss the different defenses that exist for accused persons tried under international law. This lesson specifically explores the defenses of mental defect, intoxication, obedience to orders and head of s...
  • Week 6 - Gaining Custody of the Accused
    This lesson includes a video lecture and readings that explore the options countries have in attempting to gain custody over an accused person under international law. Specifically, the lesson discusses countries’ use of tactics like abduction, luring, extradi...
  • Week 7 - Pre-Trial Issues
    This lesson includes a video lecture and readings that examine the major pre-trial issues that are presented in international courts. Specifically, this lesson analyzes the problems that come from self-representation, plea-bargaining and the exclusion of evid...
  • Week 8 - Maintaining Control of the Courtroom
    This lesson includes a video lecture and readings on how, in the face of the problems discussed in the previous lesson, order is maintained in modern international courtrooms. The lesson also includes a simulation that allows students to apply the issues discu...




Michael Scharf
Interim Dean and Joseph C. Hostetler – Baker & Hostetler Professor of Law
School of Law


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