Introduction to Java Programming: Fundamental Data Structures and Algorithms

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  • Niveau Introductif
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Détails du cours


1. Lists
The first week starts with the most fundamental data structure: Lists. Several implementations for storing information in Lists are presented in this week, including the use of Arrays of primitive data types, the use of Arrays of objects of the same class, and the use of links (Linked Lists).

2. Stacks
The second week addresses Stacks, which are one well-known linear data structure. Stacks are also called LIFO data structures (last-in, first-out). Algorithms for inserting and extracting information from Stacks will be discussed this week, as well as implementations of Stacks with Linked Lists.

3. Queues
The third week addresses another well-known linear data structure: Queues. Queues are also called FIFO data structures (first-in, first-out). Algorithms for inserting and extracting information from Queues will be discussed this week, as well as implementations of Queues with Linked Lists.

4. Trees
The fourth week introduces non-linear data structures, and particularly Trees. Binary Search Trees and Heaps are presented as two well-known examples of Trees. Algorithms for inserting and extracting information from Binary Search Trees and Heaps will be discussed this week. Implementations based on Linked Lists for Trees and Heaps will be analyzed.

5. Searching and Sorting
The last week presents some basic algorithms for searching and sorting information in linear and non-linear data structures. The efficiency of these algorithms is discussed, proposing alternatives for their improvement.


Carlos Delgado Kloos
Full Professor
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Carmen Fernández Panadero
Assistant Professor
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Iria Estévez-Ayres
Assistant Professor
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Carlos Alario-Hoyos
Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Telematics Engineering
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Julio Villena Román
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Jorge Ruiz
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Raquel M. Crespo-García
Associate Professor
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid


Universidad Carlos III de Madrid


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