Introduction to Java Programming: Starting to code in Java

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35 h
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  • 5 séquences
  • Niveau Introductif
  • Sous-titres en Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese

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Détails du cours


1. From the Calculator to the Computer
The first section introduces basic programming concepts, such as values and expressions, as well as making decisions when implementing algorithms and developing programs.

2. State Transformation
The second section introduces state transformation including representation of data and programs as well as conditional repetition.

3. Functional Abstraction
The third section addresses the organization of code in a program through methods, which are invoked to carry out a task and return a result as answer. Recursion, as a powerful mechanism in the invocation of methods, is also covered this week.

4. Object Encapsulation
The fourth section introduces the object oriented programming (OOP) paradigm, which enables the modeling of complex programs in Java through objects and classes. The concept of inheritance as the basis for reusing code and simplifying programs in Java is studied in this week.

5. Packaging
The last section aims to study the reuse of code through third-party classes that are already developed and that we can incorporate to our programs to perform specific actions, and reduce the number of lines that we need to code.




Carlos Delgado Kloos
Full Professor
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Carmen Fernández Panadero
Assistant Professor
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Iria Estévez-Ayres
Assistant Professor
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Jorge Blasco
Assistant Lecturer
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Carlos Alario-Hoyos
Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Telematics Engineering
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Sergio Pastrana
Teaching Assistant
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Guillermo Suarez-Tangil
Teaching Assistant
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Julio Villena Román
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid


Universidad Carlos III de Madrid


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