Intro to Inferential Statistics

Intro to Inferential Statistics

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  • 8 séquences
  • Niveau Introductif

Détails du cours


Inferential Statistics is a continuation of the material covered in [Descriptive Statistics](, and so lesson numbers follow from that course:

Lesson 8: Estimation

You will learn how to estimate population parameters from sample statistics using confidence intervals and estimating the effect of a treatment.

Lesson 9: Hypothesis Testing

You will learn how to use critical values to make decisions on whether or not a treatment has changed the value of a population parameter.

Lesson 10,11: t-tests

You will learn how to test the effect of a treatment or compare the difference in means for two groups when we have small sample sizes.

Lesson 12,13: ANOVA

You will learn how to test whether or not there are differences between three or more groups.

Lesson 14: Correlation

You will learn how to describe and test the strength of a relationship between two variables.

Lesson 15: Regression

You will learn how to describe the way in which changes in one variable are related to changes in a second variable.

Lesson 16: Chi-squared Tests

You will learn how to compare and test frequencies for categorical data.

Final Project

You will use the methods you have learned in this course to perform an analysis on a dataset and report your findings. You will describe the data, calculate statistics, perform inference, and make conclusions.




  • Sean Laraway - Sean Laraway has taught at San Jose State University since 2004. He completed a post-doctoral fellowship in Psychopharmacology. He has taught statistics at the undergraduate and graduate levels since 1998. He earned his MA and PhD in Behavior Analysis from Western Michigan University in 2003.
  • Ronald Rogers - Ron Rogers has been a professor of psychology at San Jose State University since 1999. Dr. Rogers has developed and taught statistics and research methods courses at both the undergraduate and graduate level. He earned his M.A. and Ph.D. in Behavioral Neuroscience from Rutgers University in 1995.


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