Luxury Management

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  • 8 séquences
  • Niveau Intermédiaire
  • Sous-titres en Chinese
  • Débute le 27 avril 2023
  • Clôture le 19 juillet 2023

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Détails du cours


Week 1: Essence of the Luxury Industry
Evaluate and discuss the essence of luxury brand management

Week 2: Luxury Brand Power and Lifecycle
Address the brand potential that exists in luxury activities, and how luxury-goods businesses should be managed

Week 3: The Luxury Client
Analyse critically the behaviour of luxury clientele and the long-term trends in the luxury market. Identify major research areas and issues, analyse and evaluate the literature on luxury brand management

Week 4: Luxury Brand Identity
Understand brand DNA and Codes of luxury brands through case studies

Week 5: International Distribution and Retailing of Luxury
Analyse the trends and systems of international distribution and retailing of luxury brands, and the impact of technology on these trends and systems

Week 6: Managing Luxury Brand Creation, Communication and Sustainability
Brand creation, communication and sustainability in the hospitality and tourism industry

Week 7: Luxury Management in the Fashion and Lifestyle Sector
Case studies for luxury management in the fashion industry

Week 8: Luxury Management in the Hospitality Industry
Case studies for luxury management in the hospitality industry


Learners need to have hospitality and tourism related experiences.


Catherine Cheung, Ph.D.
Associate Dean and Associate Professor
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


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