Industrial Policy in the 21st Century: The Challenge for Africa

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Détails du cours


Module 1: Industry as a driver of structural change

Chapter 1: Is industry special?
Chapter 2: Can we broaden the options?
Chapter 3: Introducing “industries without smokestacks”
Chapter 4: Win-win policies
Chapter 5: An agenda for aid
Mini-documentary: How to provide jobs & transform livelihoods

Module 2: The recipe for industrial growth

Chapter 1: Drivers of industry: exports and the basics
Chapter 2: Drivers of industry: firm capabilities
Chapter 3: Drivers of industry: agglomerations
Chapter 4: Lessons from East Africa
Chapter 5: Is manufacturing the answer? Expert views
- Manufacturing is still the answer - Justin Lin
- Manufacturing might not be the answer - Joseph Stiglitz
Chapter 6: Industry case studies
- Light manufacturing
- Tourism
- Agribusiness

Module 3: Avoiding the resource curse

Chapter 1: Natural resources: opportunities and risks
Chapter 2: Natural resources: investing to invest
Chapter 3: Lessons from Viet Nam, Tanzania and Senegal
- Lessons from Viet Nam
- Lessons from Tanzania
- Lessons from Senegal
Activity: What the data shows

Module 4: Industrial policies for Africa

Chapter 1: Industrial policy: what, why, how?
Chapter 2: Industrial policy in Africa
Chapter 3: The challenge for Africa
Chapter 4: How to avoid capture of politicians?
Chapter 5: Lessons from Ethiopia


We recommend that learners have at least anundergraduate level of understanding of economics and development theory.


John Page
Senior Fellow of Global Economic Development
Brookings Institution


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