Human Population and Evolutionary Genetics

Human Population and Evolutionary Genetics

10 h
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  • 5 séquences
  • Niveau Intermédiaire
  • Débute le 16 octobre 2023
  • Clôture le 5 décembre 2023

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Détails du cours


Chapter 1 – Human genome diversity and population genetics

  • Diversity of the human genome
  • Public databases of population genetic variation
  • Causes of genetic diversity: mutation and recombination
  • Factors driving genetic diversity: genetic drift
  • Factors driving genetic diversity: natural selection

Chapter 2 – The demographic history of human populations

  • Methods of demographic inference
  • Population splits and admixture among humans
  • The genetic history of the African continent
  • The genetic history of the European continent
  • The genetic history of Asia, Australia and Oceania
  • The genetic history of the Americas
  • The use of pathogens as markers of human migrations
  • Inferring cultural practices through genetics

Chapter 3 – The adaptive history of human populations

  • Diversity of the human genome
  • Methods to detect natural selection
  • The effects of purifying selection in the genome and populations
  • Adaptation to nutritional resources
  • Adaptation to climate and extreme conditions
  • Adaptation to pathogens and infectious diseases
  • Alternative models of adaptation

Chapter 4 – The contribution of ancient DNA studies to human evolution

  • Methods in ancient genomics
  • The archaic hominins and admixture with modern humans
  • Recent history through the lens of ancient DNA
  • The adaptive nature of archaic introgression
  • Public engagement and return to populations




We recommend a good scientific background (such as a bachelor of live science).


Lluis Quintana-Murci
Lluis Quintana-Murci received his BSc in Biology at the University of Barcelona (Spain), and his Ph.D. in Population Genetics at the University of Pavia (Italy). He heads the Unit of Human Evolutionary Genetics at Institut Pasteur since 2007. He is a human population geneticist whose research focuses on the use of genomic data to infer the past demographic history of human populations and to dissect the different forms in which natural selection can act on the human genome. His team is especially interested in exploring the extent to which pathogens have exerted pressures on innate immunity genes. Over the last years, his team has also adopted a systems immunology approach to understand the different factors (genetic, epigenetic, environmental, etc.) that drive immune response variation between individuals and populations. Lluis Quintan-Murci is professor at College de France.

Etienne Patin
Etienne Patin received his MSc in Biology and Genetics and his PhD in Population Genetics at the University Paris VII (France). After a postdoctoral training in epidemiological genetics at the Necker Hospital (France), he joined Institut Pasteur as a CNRS Research Scientist. He is a population geneticist whose main interests range from the study of past human demography, with a focus on Africa, to the methodological aspects of demographic inference, and, more recently, systems immunology. One of his main research interests is the occurrence and extent of admixture between modern human populations and its potential adaptive nature.

Javier Mendoza Revilla
Javier is a doctor in human genetics, researcher in the Genetics of Human Evolution unit of the Pasteur Institute and member of the CANDELA consortium. He is your community manager for this MOOC.


L'Institut Pasteur est une fondation française privée à but non lucratif, sise à Paris, qui se consacre à l'étude de la biologie, des micro-organismes, des maladies et des vaccins.

Créé en 1888 grâce à une souscription publique internationale, il est ainsi nommé d'après Louis Pasteur1, son fondateur et premier directeur qui, en 1885, a mis au point le premier vaccin contre la rage.

Depuis plus d’un siècle, l’Institut Pasteur est à la pointe de la lutte contre les maladies infectieuses. Cette organisation internationale de recherche a été la première à isoler en 1983 le virus de l'immunodéficience humaine (VIH), virus qui provoque le syndrome d'immunodéficience acquise (SIDA). Au fil des années, il a été à l'origine de découvertes révolutionnaires qui ont permis à la médecine de contrôler des maladies virulentes, telles que la diphtérie, le tétanos, la tuberculose, la poliomyélite, la grippe, la fièvre jaune, la peste épidémique, l'hépatite B, le SIDA.


France Université Numérique est le diffuseur des cours en ligne des établissements d’enseignement supérieur français et de leurs partenaires.

Il opère plusieurs plateformes de diffusion, dont la plus connue, FUN MOOC, est la première plateforme académique francophone mondiale. Grâce à de nombreux établissements partenaires, cette plateforme propose un vaste catalogue de cours s’enrichissant de jour en jour avec des thématiques variées et d’actualité.

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