Human-Centered Design for Work at a Distance: Toolbox Essentials

Human-Centered Design for Work at a Distance: Toolbox Essentials

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  • 4 séquences
  • Niveau Introductif

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Détails du cours


Week 1: Introduction to the human-centered design process and strategies for managing wellness while working with others at a distance. Guest speaker case study: Brent Steven, Physiotherapist.

Week 2: Managing team well-being and improving culture in remote teams. Guest speaker case study: Dr. Kimberly Voll and Andy Moore Game Designers.

Week 3: Deepening your understanding of the needs of colleagues, clients and customers. Guest speaker case study: Kirsten Wicklund Ballet dancer and yoga teacher.

Week 4:

  • Prototyping and user-testing your at-a-distance communication technologies. Guest speaker case study: Alana-Thorburn Watt- Photographer/Videographer.
  • Culminating capstone assignment: Applying human-centered tools to prototype a solution for a real-world case study of someone struggling to transform how they work with others from a distance. Guest case study: Leonard Vogt- Interior Designer.




Dr. Patrick Parra Pennefather
Assistant Professor
University of British Columbia


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