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Détails du cours
Module 1 – Stroke Case Presentation
- Micro Movie
- Clinical summary
- Interview with the stroke survivor
Module 2 – Human Anatomy Lectures
- Body systems and important organs
- Locate the body regions and cavities
- Describe the systems involved in each region
- Identify the major organs (tissues and cells) in each system
- Anatomical orientation and skeletal system
- Define the anatomical position and planes
- Classify different types of bones
- Describe the bone structure
- Locate the major bones of the skeleton
- The muscular system
- Classify different types of muscles tissues
- Indicate the characteristics and location of different types of muscles tissues
- Illustrate the actions of muscles
- The nervous system and special senses
- Explain the differences between the central and peripheral nervous system
- Describe the structure of neurons
- Describe the major component of the brain
- Describe the major structure of the spinal cord
- Recognize the special sensory organs and their functions
- Cardiovascular and pulmonary system
- Recognize the structure of the heart and different types of blood vessels
- Trace the major blood flow through the heart
- Recognize the major structure of the lung and passageways
- Trace the airflow through the pulmonary system
Module 3 – Healthcare-discipline Specific Role Plays and Round-up Session
- Six role-play videos demonstrating the application of anatomy knowledge being used by the six healthcare disciplines
Visiting Professors to share opinions in the application of essential anatomy knowledge related to the case and their disciplines
John Yuen
Associate Professor
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Allen Cheong
Associate Professor
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Josephine Lau
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Richard Li
Clinical Neurologist
The Hong Kong Stroke Society
William Tsang
The Open University of Hong Kong
Kevan MA Gartland
Glasgow Caledonian University
Roger Watson
University of Hull
Patrick Brennan
University of Sydney
Helen Eng
Clinical Optometrist
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Kit Sinclair
Past President
World Federation of Occupational Therapists
Judi Laprade
Senior Lecturer
University of Toronto

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