How to Write a Novel: Edit & Revise

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  • 6 séquences
  • Niveau Intermédiaire
  • Débute le 2 janvier 2023
  • Clôture le 17 février 2023

Détails du cours


Every Week

Learners will read writing examples, watch instructor videos and view interviews with authors, editors and agents. Each week there is at least one assignment, regular group discussion topics and instructor feedback in the form of a lively question & answer podcast.

Week 1: Preparing to Rewrite

We'll discuss rewriting looks like and what types of rewriting you'll go through in the process of taking your novel from first draft to something complete enough to send to agents and editors including:

  • The substantive edit
  • The line edit
  • The copy edit

Week 2: Rewriting Tools: Structure

The backbone of your novel, structure is essential to making sure that your story is coherent, compelling and satisfying. Rewriting is a chance to look at your structural choices in a careful and considered way.

This week's topics include:

  • The Three Journeys of your Novel.
  • Common Problems and how to Solve Them.

Week 3: Managing the Rewriting Process

We'll review the actual process of rewriting, hearing from published authors who'll discuss their own rewriting process.

This week's topics include:

  • Rewriting for character and voice.
  • Dialogue and narrative voice.
  • Methods of rewriting.
  • Dealing with a daunting rewrite.

Week 4: Rewriting Tools: Prose Style

This week we move from the large scale to the small, and examine how writers revise at the paragraph and sentence level.

This week's topics include:

  • Revising for cliche.
  • Exploring prose style options.
  • Revising for prose style.
  • Rewriting for theme.

Week 5: Working with Feedback

At some point, all writers benefit from thoughtful feedback on their writing.

This week's topics include:

  • When to get feedback
  • How to choose trusted readers.
  • Assessing and incorporating feedback.
  • Mentorship.
  • The value of writing groups.
  • Writing programs: to MFA or not to MFA.
  • Writing conferences.

Week 6: Preparing to Submit

This week, we'll look at the materials you'll need to assemble to best present yourself and your work in the marketplace. Along the way, we'll hear writers talk about how they got started in publishing, as well as some popular misconceptions about the publishing industry.

This week's topics include:

  • Researching the market.
  • Understanding when your work is ready to send out.
  • Crafting a query letter.
  • Creating a synopsis.
  • The value of literary agents.
  • What agents look for in a manuscript.
  • The writer/editor relationship.
  • Rejection and success.
  • Indie publishing.


Students should have a completed rough draft of a novel or novella.


Nancy Lee
Assistant Professor of Creative Writing
University of British Columbia

Annabel Lyon
Associate Professor of Creative Writing
University of British Columbia


L’Université de la Colombie-Britannique est fondée à Vancouver en 1908. Le College of British Columbia, est l'une des universités les plus prestigieuses d'Amérique du Nord, et compte parmi les meilleures universités au monde. UBC compte plus de 61 000 étudiants, répartis sur le campus historique de Vancouver (1908), et celui d'Okanagan (2005) et un budget annuel de 2,3 milliards de dollars.


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