Hong Kong Cinema through a Global Lens | 全球化下的香港电影

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  • 6 séquences
  • Niveau Introductif
  • Sous-titres en Chinese

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Détails du cours


Week 1: Introduction / Jackie Chan
In this unit, we look at Hong Kong as portrayed by Hollywood, and how Jackie Chan defines his own global image.

Week 2: Bruce Lee and the Global Kung Fu Craze
Bruce Lee is a global icon who represents the worldwide fascination with kung fu. We look at his life, works, and lasting impact in cinema and popular culture.

Week 3: Melodramas of Migration: Mabel Cheung Yuen-Ting’s An Autumn’s Tale
Themes of identity, race, gender, and culture in migration intersect to create stories with historical significance. We examine the role of migration melodramas in documenting the diasporic experience.

Week 4: John Woo’s Heroic Bloodshed Films: Hong Kong vs. Hollywood
We discuss the evolution of masculinity and selfhood from early Hong Kong Shaw Brothers films to The Killer , and how Confucianism offers an alternative understanding of relationships and hierarchy.

Week 5: Hong Kong on Postmodern Screens: Infernal Affairs
We examine postmodernism in Infernal Affairs as reflected through themes of capitalism, crisis cinema, and political allegory.

Week 6: Hong Kong Cinema as World Cinema / In the Mood for Love
Wong Kar Wai is an example of an auteur filmmaker. We trace how his works influence Hollywood, and specifically discuss festival films and In the Mood for Love.




Aaron Magnan-Park
Assistant Professor in the Department of Comparative Literature
University of Hong Kong

Stacilee Ford
Honorary Associate Professor in the Department of History
University of Hong Kong

Gina Marchetti
Professor in the Department of Comparative Literature
University of Hong Kong


University of Hong Kong


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