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Graphene and 2-dimensional Materials
8 h
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- À son rythme
- Accès libre
- Certificat gratuit
- 8 séquences
- Niveau Introductif
Détails du cours
Week 1: Introduction
- What is graphene? Atomic structure and graphene
- History of graphene
- Why is graphene a 2-d material?
- Imaging the structure of graphene
- Properties of graphene overview
Week 2: Production of graphene and 2-d materials
- Comparison of production methods
- Scotch-tape method (micromechanical cleavage)
- Chemical vapour deposition
- Solution-exfoliation 1 – graphene and other 2-d materials
- Solution-exfoliation 2 – graphene oxide
- Decomposition of silicon carbide
- Production of graphene nano-ribbons
Week 3: Electronic properties and devices
- Electronic structure of graphene
- First graphene device
- Further graphene devices and evidence of 2-dimensional nature
- Electronic properties of bilayer graphene
- Switching graphene OFF
Week 4: Raman spectroscopy
- Principles of Raman spectroscopy
- Raman spectrum of graphene
- Analysis of graphene Raman spectra
- Raman spectra of other 2-D materials
Week 5: Chemical properties and sensors
- X-ray photoemission spectroscopy
- Optical absorption spectroscopy
- Functionalising graphene
- Hydrogels and aerogels
- Liquid cystals
- Gas and chemical sensors
Week 6: Mechanical properties and applications
- Measuring mechanical properties
- Graphene resonators
- Electromechanical devices
- Graphene bubbles
- Graphene composites
Week 7: Graphene membranes
- GO and rGO membranes
- Membranes for separation
- Membranes as barriers
- Porous membranes
- Supercapacitor electrodes
Week 8: Biomedical devices and 2-d heterostructures
- Biocompatibility and biodistribution
- Scaffolds for tissue engineering
- Drug and gene delivery
- Cancer therapy
- Introduction to 2-d heterostructures
- 2D heterostructure devices
- Aravind Vijayaraghavan - School of Materials and National Graphene Institute
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