Genomic and Precision Medicine

7 h
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  • 7 séquences
  • Niveau Intermédiaire

Détails du cours


Week 1: New insights into the structure of the human genome and different types of genetic and non-genetic variation that occur

Week 2: Genetic screening and diagnosis: prenatal carrier testing and newborn screening for Mendelian diseases

Week 3: The use of next-generation sequencing for solving diagnostic dilemmas

Week 4: Methods used in patient populations to uncover associations between genome variation and common diseases

Week 5: Predictive tests for common, complex diseases

Week 6: Pharmacogenomic testing for drug selection, dosing and predicting adverse effects of commonly prescribed drugs

Week 7: Tumor profiling for targeting cancer treatment and the use of blood-based gene expression profiles in cancer prognosis




Jeanette McCarthy, MPH, PhD
Adjunct Associate Professor
UCSF Department of Medicine

Robert L. Nussbaum, MD
Chief and Professor of Medicine
Division of Genomic Medicine


The University of California, San Francisco, is dedicated to promoting health worldwide through advanced biomedical research, graduate-level education in the life sciences and health professions, and high-quality patient care. UC San Francisco is the only campus in the University of California system dedicated exclusively to the health sciences. UCSF's innovative, collaborative approaches for health care, research and education span disciplines across the health sciences and make it a world leader in scientific discovery and its translation into improved health.


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