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An Introduction to Functional Analysis
48 h
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- 8 séquences
- Niveau Introductif
Détails du cours
Week 1: Topology; continuity and convergence of a sequence in a topological space.
Week 2: Metric and normed spaces; completeness
Week 3: Banach spaces; linear continuous functions; weak topology
Week 4: Hilbert spaces; The Riesz representation theorem
Week 5: The Lax-Milgram Lemma
Week 6: Properties of the Lp spaces
Week 7: Distributions and Sobolev Spaces
Week 8: Application: simulating a membrane
Week 2: Metric and normed spaces; completeness
Week 3: Banach spaces; linear continuous functions; weak topology
Week 4: Hilbert spaces; The Riesz representation theorem
Week 5: The Lax-Milgram Lemma
Week 6: Properties of the Lp spaces
Week 7: Distributions and Sobolev Spaces
Week 8: Application: simulating a membrane
- John Cagnol - Mathematics
- Anna Rozanova-Pierrat - Mathematics
CentraleSupélec is the result of the merger of the Ecole Centrale Paris and the Supélec. The collaboration between the two Colleges of engineering begun in 1969 with the introduction of the joint competitive entrance exam. Since 2009, the Ecole Centrale Paris and Supélec have continually strengthened their partnerships and collaborations with the aim of encompassing the whole of their activities (engineering education, research and post graduate programs) and confirmed their shared values of excellence, innovation, entrepreneurship, internationalization and leadership. Today CentraleSupélec aims to become a reference in the field of engineering and systems sciences and a leading engineering College in the area of higher education and research, ranked amongst the best institutions in the world.

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