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Foundations of strategic business analytics
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- 4 séquences
- Niveau Introductif
Détails du cours
Week 1
In this module, we will introduce you to the course and instructional approach. You will learn that Strategic Business Analytics relies on four distinct skills: IT, Analytics, Business and Communication.
Week 2
In this module, you will learn why using rigorous statistical methods to understand the relationship between different events is crucial. We’ll cover two examples: first, using a credit scoring example, you will learn how to derive information about what makes an individual more or less likely to have a strong credit score? Then, in a second example drawn from HR Analytics, you will learn to estimate what makes an employee more or less likely to leave the company. As usual, we invite you to replicate those examples thanks to the recital and to use the assessments provided at the end of the module to strengthen your understanding of these concepts.
Week 3
In this module you will learn more about the importance of forecasting the future. You will learn through examples from various sectors: first, using the previous examples of credit scoring and HR Analytics, you will learn to predict what will happen. Then, you will be introduced to predictive maintenance using survival analysis via a case discussion. Finally, we’ll discuss seasonality in the context of the first example discussed in this MOOC: using analytics for managing your supply chain and logistics better.
Week 4
So far, you’ve learnt to use Business Analytics to glean important information relevant to the success of your business. In this module, you’ll learn more about how to present your Business Analytics work to a business audience. This module is also important for your final capstone project presentation.You’ll learn that it is important to find an angle, and tell a story.Instead of presenting a list of results that are not connected to each other, you will learn to take your audience by the hand and steer it to the recommendations you want to conclude on.You’ll learn to structure your story and your slides, and master the most used visualization tips and tricks. The assessment at the end of this module will provide an opportunity for you to practice these methods and to prepare the first step of the capstone project.
Nicolas Glady
Associate professor, at ESSEC Business School
Marketing Department
L'École supérieure des sciences économiques et commerciales (plus couramment ESSEC Business School ou ESSEC) est une grande école de commerce et de gestion française, de statut associatif à but non lucratif (association loi de 1901) fondée en 1907 et dont le campus principal est situé à Cergy. Elle possède également des implantations à La Défense, Rabat et Singapour, qui servent notamment aux programmes ESSEC Global BBA et ESSEC Executive MBA.
Fondée par des jésuites en réponse à la création de HEC Paris, elle est longtemps restée indépendante de toute chambre de commerce et d'industrie avant de passer en 1981 sous le contrôle de celle de Versailles, devenue la CCI de Paris Île-de-France en 2013. Elle est membre de la CY Alliance, anciennement Université Paris-Seine.
Le groupe ESSEC délivre de nombreuses formations à la gestion et au management, notamment à travers son cursus post-classes préparatoires appelé « Programme Grande École » conférant le grade de master. Elle délivre également un « BBA » (Bachelor in Business Administration), des mastères spécialisés (MS), une maîtrise en administration des affaires (MBA) et des doctorats.
Coursera est une entreprise numérique proposant des formations en ligne ouverte à tous fondée par les professeurs d'informatique Andrew Ng et Daphne Koller de l'université Stanford, située à Mountain View, Californie.
Ce qui la différencie le plus des autres plateformes MOOC, c'est qu'elle travaille qu'avec les meilleures universités et organisations mondiales et diffuse leurs contenus sur le web.