European Business Law: Doing Business in Europe

European Business Law: Doing Business in Europe

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90 h
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Plus d'informations
  • 6 séquences
  • Niveau Introductif
  • Sous-titres en Greek

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Détails du cours


  • Week 1 - Making Business Transactions
    The first module examines general business considerations as well as specific legal areas that are relevant when establishing and managing a company. It examines the complexities that arise when contracts have international components and the benefits of colla...
  • Week 2 - Establishing a Company
    The second module examines the foundations of company theory and the agency theory. It looks into the distinction between a company’s internal/external relations, as well as public/private corporations. Finally, the module examines the harmonisation of company...
  • Week 3 - Employing and Working in Europe
    The third module places Labour law within a wider EU framework. It explores the important relationship between the internal market, the fundamental freedoms and national Labour law regulations. It focuses on the freedom to provide services, the freedom of esta...
  • Week 4 - Paying Taxes and Complying with Environmental Standards
    The fourth module covers Tax and Environmental law issues within the framework of doing business in Europe. It describes the EU law principles on the area of tax and the conditions that need to be fulfilled by national taxation measures to comply with EU law. ...
  • Week 5 - Case Clinic
    The Case Clinic will equip learners with the necessary skills to read and understand case law, and in particular the case law of the European Union. It will present techniques on how to read cases and the most commonly used format to write case reports. The mo...
  • Week 6 - Resolving Cross-border Disputes
    The sixth module discusses how Private International law considerations are necessary for the proper functioning of the internal market. It also examines the legal basis of EU’s legislative competence regarding Private International law. Business relationships...




Cécile Brokelind
Department of Business Law

Julian Nowag
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Law

Hans Henrik Lidgard
Senior Professor
Faculty of Law

Michael Bogdan
Senior Professor
Faculty of Law

Niklas Arvidsson

Mia Rönnmar
Dean and Professor
Faculty of Law

Xavier Groussot
Pro Dean and Professor
Faculty of Law

Sanja Bogojevic
Associate Professor
Faculty of law


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