Ethical Leadership and Ethical Decisions

Ethical Leadership and Ethical Decisions

6 h
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  • 2 séquences
  • Niveau Intermédiaire

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Détails du cours


Week 1: Leadership
Welcome and Course Overview
Welcome to the course; let's get you started.

What is ethics and ethical leadership?
In this activity we provide an overview about ethics and ethical leadership.

Ethical Leadership
This activity focusses on the role of ethical leadership, what it means, as well as key approaches that can be used.

Authentic leadership
In this activity we will look at authentic leadership and the impact this can have within an organisation.

Spiritual leadership
This activity focusses on the role of spirituality within leadership and identifies some key leadership models.

This activity provides a summary of learning from week 1.

Week 2: Ethical decision making
Week 2 Overview
This activity will highlight the key learning for week 2.

Ethical Decision and Ethical Dilemmas
This activity focusses highlights what ethical decision making is as well as gives you some clarification overdifferent types and paradigms attached to dilemmas.

Theoretical Approaches of Ethical Decision Making
This activity will look at key theories of approach related to ethical standards as well as the different between descriptive and normative ethics.

Decision making process : Rational decision making
This activity will look at two approaches to the decision making process.

Decision making models
In this activity we will look at a key frameworks and models for ethical decision making.

This activity contains a quiz to test your learning followed by a summary of the learning over the past two weeks.


This course is designed for managers, supervisors and leaders in any sector of society who want to develop their ethical leadership skills.

Whatever level you start at, this course will help you take the next step in your leadership career.


Joachim Bauer


L'Université de Lincoln est classée parmi les 20 meilleures universités du Royaume-Uni pour la satisfaction des étudiants dans le Guardian University Guide 2022 et le Complete University Guide 2022. Nous détenons un score de cinq étoiles dans le système de notation QS Stars des universités mondiales et sommes classés parmi les 130 meilleures universités du monde dans le Times Higher Education Young University Rankings 2022. Plus des trois quarts de nos recherches ont été jugées internationalement excellentes ou de premier plan dans le cadre d'excellence en recherche 2021.


FutureLearn est une plate-forme d'apprentissage proposant des formations en ligne ouvertes à tous (MOOC)

Fondée en Décembre 2012, la société est entièrement détenue par l'Open University à Milton Keynes, en Angleterre.

Elle est la 1ère plateforme offrant des MOOC au Royaume-Uni, avec à son actif plus d'une cinquantaine d'universités partenaires provenant du Royaume Uni mais aussi du reste du monde.

FutureLearn se différencie également par des partenariats avec des entités non-universitaires comme le British Museum, le British Council, la British Library et la national Film and Television School.

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