Economics of Transition and Emerging Markets

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  • 6 séquences
  • Niveau Introductif

Détails du cours


  • Week 1 - Introduction
  • Week 1 - Centrally planned economy: its origins, evolution and collapse
    Dear Students, In this module we will discuss the origins of a centrally planned economy, its major characteristics, evolution, attempts of its reform and history of its collapse, agenda of market transition in 1990s and its major components such as macroecono...
  • Week 2 - Post-communist transition and its outcomes
    Dear Students, In this week we will discuss political economy of transition, controversies over a transition strategy, and first results of transition (at the end of 1990s), interrelations between market and democracy, and between economic and political transi...
  • Week 3 - The role of external actors in post-communist transition and economic reforms in Asia
    Dear students, In this module we will discuss the role of external actors (IMF, World Bank, WTO, EU, etc.) in economic and political transition in Central and Eastern Europe and former Soviet Union, cumulative results of transition in early/mid 2010s, specific...
  • Week 4 - Market reforms in the Arab world, Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America
    Dear students, In this module we will discuss market reforms in the Arab world (including the period of Arab Spring), Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, summary of emerging-market reforms since 1980s.There will be 5 parts of video-lectures of 7-25 minutes leng...
  • Week 5 - Emerging markets and their role in global economy
    Dear students, In this module we will discuss causes and consequences of emerging market-crises in 1980s and 1990s, impact of the global financial crisis of 2008-2009 on emerging-market economies, the increasing role of emerging-market economies in the global ...
  • Week 6 - EMEs, globalization and international trade
    Dear students, In this module we will discuss consequences of globalization, changes in international financial institutions, emerging-market economies and global and regional trade systems.There will be 5 parts of video-lectures of 12-20 minutes length. You c...




Marek Dabrowski
Department of Applied Economics


L'Université nationale de recherche « École des hautes études en sciences économiques » (EHESE), de Moscou a été fondée en 1992 à l'initiative d'économistes russes.

Université d'État depuis 2001, d'abord sous tutelle du ministère du développement économique, elle est depuis 2008 un établissement d'enseignement supérieur et de recherche rattaché directement au gouvernement de la fédération de Russie. Son statut actuel d'université nationale de recherche de Russie lui a été conféré en 2009, après un concours inter-universitaire.

Elle est connue à l'international sous le nom de Higher School of Economics (HSE).

Outre Moscou, l'école possède trois campus-filiales : à Saint-Pétersbourg, Nijni Novgorod et Perm.

Régulièrement classée dans le Top 100 des meilleures universités mondiales selon le QS World University Rankings, elle est la seconde plus réputée4 de Russie.


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