English Grammar and Style

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  • 8 séquences
  • Niveau Introductif

Détails du cours


In Week 1 , we'll introduce you to the course and discuss what grammar is and why it matters; writing standard English; and how words work.

In Week 2 , Introduction to Sentences, we'll learn about parts of speech and word classes; structure and patterns of sentences, phrases, and clauses; and common sentence-level problems.

In Week 3 , Introduction to Verbs, we'll consider finite and non-finite verbs: linking verbs, auxiliary verbs, transitive and intransitive verbs, verb phrases, phrasal verbs, verbal phrases, infinitives, participles, and gerunds. We'll also look at tense, mood, and voice of verbs.

In Week 4 , Introduction to Nouns and Pronouns, we'll explore form and function of nouns: noun strings and nominalisations; form and function of pronouns, and problems with pronouns.

In Week 5 , Introduction to Adjectives and Determiners, we'll discuss the form, function, and use of adjectives including the 'Royal Order of Adjectives' and degrees of comparison. Adjectival sequencing, punctuation, and determiners will also be discussed.

In Week 6 , Introduction to Adverbs and Conjunctions, we'll learn about the form, function, degrees of comparison, and placement of adverbs; intensifiers; and weasels.

In Week 7 , Introduction to Prepositions and Paragraphs, we'll identify how prepositions function and problems with prepositions. We'll also look at paragraph development and cohesive ties.

In Week 8 , Introduction to Punctuation, we'll explore the main punctuation marks, punctuation problems, and other punctuation marks.

Approach: Video interviews, mini-lectures, readings, quizzes, writing activities, and writing assignments.




Roslyn Petelin
Honorary Associate Professor
The University of Queensland


L'Université du Queensland est une université publique de recherche située principalement à Brisbane, la capitale de l'État australien du Queensland. Fondée en 1909 par le parlement du Queensland, l'UQ est l'une des six universités de grès, une désignation informelle de la plus ancienne université de chaque État. 

En combinant les trois classements mondiaux des universités les plus établis en 2023, l'Université du Queensland est classée 2e en Australie et 42e au monde. UQ est également membre fondateur d' edX, le principal groupe des huit d'Australie et l' association internationale à forte intensité de recherche des universités du Pacifique.


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