Embedded Systems - Shape The World: Microcontroller Input/Output

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  • 8 séquences
  • Niveau Intermédiaire

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Détails du cours


The best way to understand what you will learn in this class is to list the labs you will complete and the example projects we will build. You will complete each lab first in simulation and then on the real board. For each module we will design a system and you will build and test a similar system.

Module 1: Welcome and introduction to course and staff

*Module 2: Fundamental concepts: numbers, computers, and the ARM Cortex M processor *

Lab 2. Run existing project on LaunchPad with switch input and LED output

___ Module 3: Electronics: resistors, voltage, current and Ohm’s Law _**

* Module 4: Digital Logic: transistors, flip flops and logic functions *

Lab 4. Debug a system with two inputs and two outputs

* Module 5: Introduction to C programming *

Lab 5. Write a C function and perform input/output

* Module 6: Microcontroller Input/Output *

Lab 6. Write C software that inputs from a switch and toggles an LED output

* Module 7: Design and Development Process *

Lab 7. Write C functions that inputs from a switch and outputs to two LEDs, which is a virtual pacemaker

* Module 8: Interfacing Switches and LEDs *

Lab 8. Interface an external switch and LED and write input/output software

* Module 9: Arrays and Functional Debugging *

Lab 9. Write C functions using array data structures that collect/debug your system

* Module 10: Finite State Machines *

Lab 10. Interface 3 switches and 6 LEDs and create a traffic light finite state machine


Computer programming course in any language with exposure to variables, arithmetic, logic, loops, and functions. High school physics course covering current, voltage, resistance, and power.


Jonathan Valvano
Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
The University of Texas at Austin

Ramesh Yerraballi
Distinguished Senior Lecturer, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
The University of Texas at Austin


University of Texas at Austin


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