Introduction to Ecosystems

18 h
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  • 6 séquences
  • Niveau Introductif
  • Débute le 26 juin 2016
  • Clôture le 2 juillet 2016

Détails du cours


If we don’t grasp why ecosystems function, it becomes harder to determine possible reasons for when they don’t, and makes it difficult to identify possible environmental threats to humans. In this course you will discover how organisms are linked together by complex interrelationships, how such links are studied and how the physical properties of a particular habitat interact with the organisms that inhabit it. Using case studies, you will come to learn how knowledge of ecosystems leads to understanding of their individual importance, and how they can be preserved. All Open University science courses presented on FutureLearn are produced with the kind support of Dangoor Education. Find out more in David Robinson’s post for the FutureLearn blog: “Why learn about ecosystems?”




  • David Robinson


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