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Economic Growth and Distributive Justice
- À son rythme
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- 6 séquences
- Niveau Introductif
Détails du cours
Week 1:
What is the Goal of the State?; Why do we need a State to achieve this Goal?
Week 2:
The engine of Economic Growth; The relationship between Efficiency and Equality.
Week 3:
Choosing the laws that would maximize Social Welfare (Happiness).
Week 4:
Measuring and Defining Inequality, Poverty and Social Efficiency.
Week 5:
Who Bears the Economic Burden of Tax; Understanding Progressivity.
Week 6:
Designing the Optimal Tax and Transfer System.
- Yoram Margalioth - The Buchmann Faculty of Law
- Einat Solnik - Junior researcher at the Zvi Meitar Center for Advanced Legal Studies
- Inbar Ben-Ari - The Buchmann Faculty of Law
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