Deafness in the 21st Century

12 h
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Plus d'informations
  • 6 séquences
  • Niveau Introductif

Détails du cours


1. Deafness: a global perspectiveof the silent epidemic
  • The global inequalities and implications for deaf children, young peopleand adults.
  • An introduction to the hearing system and basic physiology. 
  • Understanding the auditory system.

2. Preventable cause ofdeafness
  • Epidemiology of hearing loss in low and middle income countries.
  • Prevention of hearing impairment and disability, including noise damage,ototoxicity, age related hearing loss, middle ear disease and measles, mumps,rubella and malaria as causes of deafness.

3. Identification and assessment of deafness and amplification
  • Screening, diagnostic assessment, the potential and challenge ofamplification.
  • The role of NGOs and manufacturing companies in provision ofamplification.
  • Examples of practice. 

 4. Family Centred EarlyIntervention
  • Consideration of the international consensus statement on family centredearly intervention.
  • Examples of how this can apply in a low income countries.
  • Developing early communication and literacy skills, empowering parents and working with the Deaf community. 

 5. Fostering interpersonal communication across language modalities
  • Use of signed languages
  • Speechreading
  • Spoken language
  • Facilitating communication 

 6. Possible futures: given support, what can deaf children and adults achieve?
  • Case studies of possible futures
  • Focus on international projects




  • Helen Chilton - School of Psychological Science
  • Wendy Mccracken - School of Psychological Science


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