De-Mystifying Mindfulness

De-Mystifying Mindfulness

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  • 6 séquences
  • Niveau Introductif

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Détails du cours


  • Week 1 - Welcome to the course
    People come to the study of Mindfulness for all kinds of reasons; I’m curious to know what brings you here. Perhaps you’re someone who already has a Mindfulness practice and you’re keen to know more about it? Perhaps you’re someone who has heard a lot about ...
  • Week 1 - Introduction to Mindfulness
    In this fist module, we’re going to explore the foundational question of what Mindfulness actually is! This module has been designed to approach this question by considering a series of preconceptions about Mindfulness in contemporary societies. Hence, here ...
  • Week 2 - Psychology of/& Mindfulness
    One of the most significant developments in the field of Mindfulness in recent years has been the development of ‘construct Mindfulness’ as a therapeutic tool and as a scientific technology. Both of these rest upon (and produce) bodies of scientific evidence ...
  • Week 3 - Philosophy of/& Mindfulness
    One of the great debates in the field of Mindfulness revolves around the question of the nature of its relationship with Buddhism. In this module, we consider some of the ways in which this relationship can be understood, including by paying attention to the ...
  • Week 4 - Politics of/& Mindfulness
    It is commonly assumed that Mindfulness is a solitary pursuit, and yet there is also often talk of a ‘Mindfulness Revolution,’ as though Mindfulness is also a social movement. In this module we’ll explore some of the ways in which the practice of Mindfulness ...
  • Week 5 - Mindfulness into the Future
    In this last module, we’ll spend some time reflecting on the path we have travelled to get to this point. We’ll consider some of the main challenges that we might have encountered, and also give some thought to what might come next for those of us who want to...
  • Week 6 - Honours Project
    Having come to the end of the regular programme, you might already be considering what you can do to continue the process of de-mystifying mindfulness for the world today. Perhaps you've identified a practice that really challenges you, or an idea that inspir...




Chris Goto-Jones
Prof. dr.
Honours Academy


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