Database Management Essentials

Database Management Essentials

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  • 7 séquences
  • Niveau Intermédiaire
  • Sous-titres en Korean, Chinese

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Détails du cours


  • Week 1 - Course Introduction
    Module 1 provides the context for Database Management Essentials. When you’re done, you’ll understand the objectives for the course and know what topics and assignments to expect. Keeping these course objectives in mind will help you succeed throughout the cou...
  • Week 1 - Introduction to Databases and DBMSs
    We’ll launch into an exploration of databases and database technology and their impact on organizations in Module 2. We’ll investigate database characteristics, database technology features, including non-procedural access, two key processing environments, and...
  • Week 2 - Relational Data Model and the CREATE TABLE Statement
    Now that you have the informational context for database features and environments, you’ll start building! In this module, you’ll learn relational data model terminology, integrity rules, and the CREATE TABLE statement. You’ll apply what you’ve learned in prac...
  • Week 3 - Basic Query Formulation with SQL
    This module is all about acquiring query formulation skills. Now that you know the relational data model and have basic skills with the CREATE TABLE statement, we can cover basic syntax of the SQL SELECT statement and the join operator for combining tables. SE...
  • Week 3 - Extended Query Formulation with SQL
    Now that you can identify and use the SELECT statement and the join operator, you’ll extend your problem solving skills in this module so you can gain confidence on more complex queries. You will work on retrieval problems with multiple tables and grouping. In...
  • Week 4 - Notation for Entity Relationship Diagrams
    Module 6 represents another shift in your learning. In previous modules, you’ve created and populated tables and developed query formulation skills using the SQL SELECT statement. Now you’ll start to develop skills that allow you to create a database design to...
  • Week 4 - ERD Rules and Problem Solving
    Module 7 builds on your knowledge of database development using basic ERD symbols and relationship variations. We’ll be practicing precise usage of ERD notation and basic problem solving skills. You will learn about diagram rules and work problems to help you ...
  • Week 5 - Developing Business Data Models
    In Module 8, you’ll use your ERD notation skills and your ability to avoid diagram errors to develop ERDs that satisfy specific business data requirements. You will learn and practice powerful problem-solving skills as you analyze narrative statements and tran...
  • Week 5 - Data Modeling Problems and Completion of an ERD
    Now that you have practiced data modeling techniques, you’ll get to wrestle with narrative problem analyses and transformations for generating alternative database designs in Module 9. At the end of this module, you’ll learn guidelines for documentation and de...
  • Week 6 - Schema Conversion
    Modules 6 to 9 covered conceptual data modeling, emphasizing precise usage of ERD notation, analysis of narrative problems, and generation of alternative designs. Modules 10 and 11 cover logical database design, the next step in the database development proces...
  • Week 7 - Normalization Concepts and Practice
    Module 11 covers normalization, the second part of the logical database design process. Normalization provides tools to remove unwanted redundancy in a table design. You’ll discover the motivation for normalization, constraints to reason about unwanted redunda...




Michael Mannino
Associate Professor
Business School, University of Colorado Denver


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