Data Processing Using Python

Data Processing Using Python

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  • 5 séquences
  • Niveau Introductif

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Détails du cours


  • Week 1 - Welcome to learn Data Processing Using Python!
    Hi, guys, welcome to learn “Data Processing Using Python”(The English version of "用Python玩转数据", url is!In this course, I tell in a manner that enables non-computer majors to understand how to utilize this s...
  • Week 1 - Basics of Python
    Hi, guys, welcome to learn Module 01 “Basics of Python”! I’ll first guide you to have a glimpse of its simplicity for learning as well as elegance and robustness. Less is more: the author of Python must know this idea well. After learning this module, you can ...
  • Week 2 - Data Acquisition and Presentation
    Welcome to learn Module 02 “Data Acquisition and Presentation”! After learning this module, you can master the modes of acquiring local data and network data in Python and use the basic and yet very powerful data structure sequence, string, list and tuple in P...
  • Week 3 - Powerful Data Structures and Python Extension Libraries
    Welcome to learn Module 03 “Powerful Data Structures and Python Extension Libraries”! Have you felt you are closer to using Python to process data? After learning this module, you can master the intermediate-level and advanced uses of Python: data structure di...
  • Week 4 - Python Data Statistics and Visualization
    Welcome to learn Module 04 “Python Data Statistics and Visualization”! In this module, I will show you, over the entire process of data processing, the unique advantages of Python in data processing and analysis, and use many cases familiar to and loved by us ...
  • Week 5 - Object Orientation and Graphical User Interface
    Welcome to Module 05 “Object Orientation and Graphical User Interface”! In this module, I will guide you to understand what object orientation is and the relationship between graphical user interface and object orientation. Learners are only required to unders...




associate professor
Department of Computer Science


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