Cultural Heritage in Transformation

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Détails du cours


WEEK 1: Approaching Cultural Heritage: Introduction to the Course
Week 1 covers the introduction of RWTH Aachen University, its Faculty of Architecture and the Cultural Heritage Group in which several departments team up to approach cultural heritage from various perspectives but with a comprehensive and systematic approach.

WEEK 2: Approaching Aachen: Introduction to the City and its Cultural Heritage
In Week 2, the City of Aachen and its cultural heritage are used as a starting point for the course. The history of the city is briefly outlined and its heritage features are introduced at their different spatial scales, from landscape and city scale to individual buildings and artifacts.

WEEK 3: Defining Cultural Heritage
In Week 3, the process of defining cultural heritage is discussed. This process is approached through criteria-based and also from socially based perspectives. The module gives special emphasis to UNESCO World Heritage, with the Aachen Cathedral providing an outstanding example.

WEEK 4: Exploring Cultural Heritage
Week 4 is dedicated to using various methods to approach and describe cultural heritage. These methods range from archeological to experimental research. They are again exemplified by the City of Aachen’s heritage features.

WEEK 5: Conserving, Utilizing and Managing Cultural Heritage
During Week 5, an insight in practices dedicated to sustaining cultural heritage and its assets is provided. Due to ongoing challenges such as urbanization and the globalization of markets, the conservation of heritage for intrinsic value alone is not always possible. Against this background, adaptation strategies such as the utilization and management of cultural heritage are explained during this week. Whilst developing these themes, the presenters will move beyond the example of Aachen and report on innovations which have happened in other European regions.


The successful completion of foundation courses in the fields of cultural heritage, architecture or city planning are beneficial.


Frank Lohrberg
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
RWTH Aachen University

Alexander Markschies
Univ.-Prof. Dr. phil.
RWTH Aachen University

Bruno Schindler
RWTH Aachen University

Anke Naujokat
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
RWTH Aachen University

Carola Neugebauer
RWTH Aachen University

Christian Raabe
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
RWTH Aachen University


The RWTH Aachen University


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