Cracking the Creativity Code: Part 1- Discovering Ideas

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  • 6 séquences
  • Niveau Introductif

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Détails du cours


WeekOne: What is Creativity? - Your Creative Brain is a muscle: Use it! Definition ofcreativity; First encounter with the ZiZoZi (zoom in, zoom out, zoom in)methods; Creativity self-test; “Discover” and “Delivery” self-test; The imaginationelevator; ZiZoZi in action; How to build your creativity ‘muscles’.

Week Two:Zoom in, Zoom out, Zoom in: More ZiZoZi in action; Creativity research; Approaches toCreativity; Model for Creative thinking; Do we foster creativity amongchildren; Pablo Picasso – make creativity autotelic; On becoming Walter Mitty;Innovating by breaking the rules; Thomas Edison; George Bizet – Carmen; Best practicebenchmarking; The power of Zoom Out

Week Three:Creativity in practice: The role of accidental discovery and serendipity; sharpeningobservation skills; Empathetic discovery; the role of failure in enhancingsuccess. Zoom out: Collecting data through direct observation; The IDEOapproach; taming wild ideas; How to ‘sell’ your ideas; How to be creative inlarge organizations; what is your ‘story’? Building powerful narratives. Casestudies.

WeekFour: Reinventing yourself:Creativity exercises; Research about creativity you can use; On reinventingyourself and your career; Secrets of Einstein, da Vinci and Edison; Humblemasterpiece: Stories of creative breakthroughs; Ideas proposed by students;Course summary.




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