Create Web Applications Efficiently With the Spring Boot MVC Framework

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Détails du cours


Part 1 - Set up a deployable Spring Boot project
1. Get the most out of this course
2. Compare the advantages of Spring Boot vs Spring
3. Create your first Spring Boot web project
4. Package and run your application
Quiz: Do you know how to set up a deployable project using Spring Boot?

Part 2 - Create a working web application with Spring MVC
1. Follow Spring MVC architecture to turn static HTML into a Thymeleaf template
2. Handle form submissions within your app
3. Create field validations for your forms
4. Use cross-field & cross-record validations in your forms
5. Configure Spring MVC
Quiz: Do you know how to use Spring MVC to create a working web application?

Part 3 - Refactor an application to ensure loosely coupled and testable backend services
1. Organize your application code in three-tier architecture
2. Make services unit testable using dependency injection
3. Configure your Spring beans via XML and Java
4. Configure beans conditionally for multiple versions
5. Get some practice reorganizing an existing codebase using three-tier architecture and dependency injection

Part 4 - Manage a production environment with Spring Boot
1. Set up logs to check issues in your application
2. Get started with Spring Boot Actuator
3. Enable additional Actuator endpoints
4. Create custom Actuator endpoints
5. Review what you've learned
Quiz: Do you know how to prepare your application to be manageable in a production environment?



To succeed in this course, you will need to already have a good understanding of Java, the web's client-server relationship, HTTP, and HTML forms. A basic understanding of MVC pattern and unit testing principles would also be beneficial. If you haven't developed those skills yet, we recommend starting with the following courses:

  • Set up your Java development environment.
  • Learn programming with Java
  • Build your web project with REST APIs.
  • Manage your code with Git and GitHub.


Vahid Yaghini
Java developer. Passionate about clean code and maximum productivity. Travel and comedy addict.


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OpenClassrooms (anciennement le Site du Zéro ou SdZ), est un site web qui propose des cours autour de l'informatique, des sciences et de l'entrepreneuriat.

Les cours en ligne peuvent être réalisés aussi bien par l'équipe du site, des professeurs d'universités ou de grandes écoles partenaires que par ses membres.

Aujourd'hui, les cours sont disponibles dans plusieurs format : MOOC (Massive Open Online Course), texte web, e-book, livre et en vidéo. L'entreprise délivre des certifications pour certains cours, dont une reconnue par l'état, en partenariat avec IESA multimédia.

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